Search the Greenwood-Leflore Public Library Online!
Use our Greenwood-Leflore Public Library Agent System to search our online catalog by clicking the "For more information" link below.
You don't even have to log into the site. Use the search menu for author, title, subject, ISBN, etc.
You can also check out our recent additions by clicking on the "Advanced Search" button on the right side of the page. Select the time period from the drop-down menu for "Search by Date Items Added," then click on the "Search" button at the bottom right side of the page. The results page also tells you the location and status of the item.
You can view other information or log into your account by clicking on the "Home" tab at the top of the search page (with a picture of a house), then clicking on the "Login" button at the top right corner of the screen.
If you need further assistance, you can reach our help desk by phone at 662-453-3634.